Sunday 9 November 2008

Mussings On Android


Googles brand new Mobile Phone operating system has released upon up recently, launched way after mobile OSX and long before Windows Mobile 7.


The first phone the contain this new operating system was the much critisied G1.

But Google is a software company not a hardware comapany, the software itself has had lots of praise and lots of bugs too. But these can be easily ironed out in future firmware editions.

Obviously, the G1 will be compared to the Apple iPhone but google has the advantage of being an open OS, instead of a locked down one. Hopefully, Android will develop into a S60-esque eco system with plenty of applications, games, tweaks develpoped for free and with no resrtictions.

But Google has released its OS into the path of the world leading operating system for smartphones.


Like Google S60 is becoming open source, with the Symbian Foundry.

With Sony Ericsson starting to use Windows Mobile, Motorola declaring Android Intentions, the OS wars have started, it will be an intresting year for software.

as akways comments, thoughts E.g. post a comment :)

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